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Centre for Family Research

Chika Ezeugwu will speak on 28th November at 11:30am in the Cockcroft Building, 4th Floor. The talk title is: Development of an observational tool to measure executive function in Nigeria.

Development of an observational tool to measure executive function in Nigeria

Speaker: Chika Ezeugwu 
Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.



Executive function (EF) measures of children in Africa are heavily dependent on mostly task-based assessments normed in another culture. This challenge limits the chances of understanding how children display their EF behaviours within their host culture. To fill this vacuum, we developed an EF observation instrument that help to capture how children display their EF behaviours in a natural classroom environment without disruption to their daily routines. In this presentation, I will discuss the results from our review of EF literature in Africa 54 countries and 8 territories, teachers' interviews, and psychometric analysis of our developed measure. 



In-person: Ground Floor Lecture Theatre, Department of Psychology, Downing Site.

Zoom: Sign-up via Eventbrite at



Tuesday, 28 November, 2023 - 11:30 to 12:30