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Centre for Child, Adolescent and Family Research


How is research helping the fight for equality?

28 Jun 2023 | Wellcome Trust podcast series, hosted by Alisha Wainwright

The CFR's Professor Emerita and former Director, Susan Golombok, features on Episode 2 of this new podcast series, discussing how her research into different family structures has changed laws and perceptions on same-sex parenting.

Listen back / Series link.


The benefits of older siblings during Covid-19 lockdowns

23 Feb 2023 | Woman's Hour on BBC Radio 4, with Hayley Hassall

Professor Claire Hughes joins Woman's Hour to discuss her recent research findings, showing that having an older sibling helped keep children well-adjusted during the Covid-19 lockdowns.

Listen back / Series link.


The impact of a genetic diagnosis on mental health

17 May 2023 | The G Word podcast with Vivienne Parry, Head of Public Engagement at Genomics England

CFR PhD student, Helen Dolling, discusses he impact that a genetic diagnosis can have on mental health for both the person directly affected and their wider family. Helen features along with collaborators Kym Winter, the Clinical Director and founder of Rare Minds, and Melanie Watson, the Lead Genetic Counsellor for the Wessex Clinical Genetic Services.

Listen back / Series link.


The Importance of Dinnertime Conversation

10 Jun 2022 | 'Get a Grip' parenting podcast, with Dr Kathy Weston | Blog Post for Tooled Up Education

PhD student, Mishika Mehrotra features as Researcher of the Month' for June 2022. One the podcast, Mishika discusses the importance of mealtime conversation between parent and child, why mealtimes are so important, and how to encourage children to open up during family chat around the table. The blog post gives more detail on how Mishika's PhD research is examining the link between dinnertime conversations and the development of children’s executive functions.

Listen back / Series link / Blog post


Utilizing structured play to enhance children’s cognitive development

06 Oct 2021 | Blog post for Early Years Resource

PhD student, Keya Elie, writing on the importance of parent-child interactions for cognitive development, and her top tips on how structured play can help to improve cognitive development.

Read the blog post here


We are Family: What really matters for parents and children

15 Jan 2021 | 'Get a Grip' parenting podcast, with Dr Kathy Weston

Professor Emerita and former CFR Director, Susan Golombok talking about her new book, all about non-traditional family forms. Susan discusses the evidence showing that these families generally thrive, in contrast with previously widely-held perceptions.

Listen back / Series link.




Staff and students based at the Centre for Child, Adolescent & Family Research talk about their research: