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Centre for Child, Adolescent and Family Research



Dr Vasanti Jadva is a Principal Research Associate at the Centre for Family Research and an Affiliated Lecturer at the Department of Psychology. Her research examines the psychological well-being of parents and children in families created by IVF, egg donation, sperm donation and surrogacy. She has also studied the experiences of surrogates and gamete donors.  Dr Jadva is currently working with colleagues on a number of different studies which aim to increase understanding of new family arrangements involving non-cohabiting co-parents, transgender parents, elective single fathers and identifiable egg donors.  Other current projects include a study of the experiences of parents going overseas for surrogacy, a longitudinal study of families created using surrogacy, egg donation and sperm donation, a study of adoptive families headed by gay couples and a project examining the outcomes for children born following pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).


Key publications: 

Jadva V. (2020). Psychological well-being and relationships in families created by gamete donation and surrogacyMédecine de la Reproduction. 22 (3): 233-240

Jadva. V. (2020). Post-delivery adjustment of gestational carriers, intended parents and their children. Fertility and Sterility. 113 (5), 903-907

McConnachie, A. L., Ayed, N., Foley, S., Lamb, M. E., Jadva, V., Tasker, F., & Golombok, S. (2020). Adoptive Gay Father Families: A Longitudinal Study of Children's Adjustment at Early Adolescence. Child development, 10.1111/cdev.13442.

Imrie, S., Jadva, V., & Golombok, S. (2020). 'Making the child mine’: egg donation mothers’ feelings about the mother-infant relationship.  Journal of Family Psychology. 34(4):469-479

McConnachie, A.L., Ayed, N., Jadva, V., Lamb, V., Tasker, F. & Golombok, S. (2020) Father-child attachment in adoptive gay father families, Attachment & Human Development, 22 (1), 110-123 DOI: 10.1080/14616734.2019.1589067

Imrie, S., Jadva, V. and Golombok, S. (2019) Psychological well-being of identity-release egg donation parents with infants. Human Reproduction. 34, (11), 2219-2227. 

Graham, S., Freeman, T. and Jadva, V. (2019) A comparison of the characteristics, motivations, preferences and expectations of men donating sperm online or through a sperm bank. Human Reproduction. 34 (11), 2208-2218. 

Jadva, V., Gamble, N. Prosser, H., and Imrie, S. (2019) Parent’s relationship with their surrogate during pregnancy and after the birth in cross border and domestic surrogacy arrangements:  comparisons by sexual orientation and location. Fertility and Sterility.111, 562–570.

Jadva, V., Vilsbol, T., Ayed, N.,  Imrie, S., Jones, C., Lamba, C., McConnachie, A., Vasques, S., Golombok, S. and Zadeh, S. (2019) The ART of performance: Engaging young people about Assisted Reproductive Technologies. International Journal of Science Education, Part B

Jadva, V., Gamble, N. and Prosser, H. (2018). Cross-border and domestic surrogacy in the UK context: An exploration of practical and legal decision-making. Human Fertility DOI: 10.1080/14647273.2018.1540801

Imrie, S., Jadva, V., Fishel, S. & Golombok, S. (2018). Families created by egg donation: parent-child relationship quality in infancy.  Child Development.

Zadeh, S., Ilioi, E. C., Jadva, V., & Golombok, S. (2018). The perspectives of adolescents conceived using surrogacy, egg or sperm donation. Human Reproduction, 33(6), 1099–1106.

Jadva, V., Freeman, T., Tranfield, E., & Golombok, S. (2018). Why search for a sperm donor online? The experiences of those searching for and contacting sperm donors on the internet. Human Fertility. 21(3), p.p.112-119.  DOI: 10.1080/14647273.2017.1315460 

Lamba,N.,Jadva, V., Kadam, K., & Golombok, S. (2018) The psychological well-being and prenatal bonding of gestational surrogates. Human Reproduction 33 (4), 646–653.

Golombok, S., Ilioi, E., Blake, L., Roman, G., & Jadva, V. (2017). A longitudinal study of families formed through reproductive donation: Parent-adolescent relationships and adolescent adjustment at age 14. Developmental Psychology. 53 (10), 1966-1977.

Persaud, S., Freeman, T., Jadva, V., Slutsky, J., Kramer, W., Steele, M., Steele, H., & Golombok, S. (2017) Adolescents Conceived through Donor Insemination in Mother-Headed Families: A Qualitative Study of Motivations and Experiences of Contacting and Meeting Same-donor Offspring. Children & Society. 31 (1), 13-22. DOI: 10.1111/chso.12158

Jadva, V. (2016) Surrogates and intended parents in the UK. Journal of Medical Law and Ethics. 4 (3) 215-227.

Ilioi, E., Blake, L., Jadva, V., Roman, G., & Golombok, S. (2016). The role of age of disclosure of biological origins in the psychological wellbeing of adolescents conceived by reproductive donation: A longitudinal study from age 1 to age 14. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.12667

Graham S, Jadva V, Freeman T, Ahuja K, Golombok S (2016) Being an identity-release donor: a qualitative study exploring the motivations, experiences and future expectations of current UK egg donors. Human Fertility. 2016 Aug 26:1-12. DOI:10.1080/14647273.2016.1221148

Freeman, T., Jadva, V., Tranfield, E & Golombok, S (2016) Online sperm donation: a survey of the demographic characteristics, motivations, preferences and experiences of sperm donors on a connection website. Human Reproduction 31 (9): 2082-2089. doi:10.1093/humrep/dew166

Jadva, V., Lamba, N., Kadam, K. & Golombok, S. (2016) Indian egg donors’ characteristics, motivations and feelings towards the recipient and resultant child. Reproductive Biomedicine & Society online.  doi:10.1016/j.rbms.2016.04.003

Slutsky, J., Jadva, V., Freeman, T., Persaud, S., Steele, M., Steele, H., Kramer, W., Golombok, S (2016) Integrating Donor Conception into Identity Development: Adolescents in Fatherless Families. Fertility & Sterility. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2016.02.033

Jadva, V., Freeman, T., Tranfield, E. & Golombok, S. (2015). ‘Friendly allies in raising a child’: A survey of men and women seeking elective co-parenting arrangements via an online connection website. Human Reproduction. Jun 3. pii: dev120

Jadva, V., Imrie, S., & Golombok, S. (2015). Surrogate mothers 10 years on: A longitudinal study of psychological wellbeing and relationships with the parents and child. Human Reproduction, 30(2) 373-9. doi: 10.1093/humrep/deu339

Blake, L. Jadva, V & Golombok, S. (2014). Parent psychological adjustment, donor conception and disclosure: a follow-up over 10 years. Human Reproduction, 29(11) 2487-96. doi:10.1093/humrep/deu231

Imrie, S. & Jadva V. (2014). The long-term experiences of surrogates: relationships and contact with surrogacy families in genetic and gestational surrogacy arrangements. Reprod Biomed Online. 2014 Jul 5. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2014.06.004.

Jadva, V. Imrie, S. (2013). Children of surrogate mothers: Psychological well-being, family relationships and experiences of surrogacy. Human Reproduction. 29 (1),  90-96

Casey P, Jadva V, Blake L, Golombok, S. (2013). Families created by donor insemination: Father-child relationships at age 7. Journal of Marriage and Family, 75 (4), 858-870.

Golombok S, Blake L, Casey P, Roman G, Jadva V. (2013). Children born through reproductive donation: a longitudinal study of psychological adjustment. J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 23. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.12015.

Blake L, Casey P, Jadva V, Golombok S. (2013). ‘I was quite amazed’: Donor conception and parent-child relationships from the child’s perspective. Children and Society.

Blake L, Casey P, Jadva V, Golombok S. (2012). Marital stability and quality in families created by assisted reproduction techniques: a follow-up study. Reprod Biomed Online. 25(7), 678-832012 Sep 17. doi: 10.1016/j.rbmo.2012.09.006.

Jadva V, Casey P, Blake L. & Golombok S. (2012). Surrogacy families 10 years on: Relationship with the surrogate, decisions over disclosure and children’s understanding of their surrogacy origins. Human Reproduction. 27, 3008-14.

Jadva V, Casey P, Readings J, Blake L. & Golombok S. (2011). A longitudinal study of recipients' views and experiences of intra-family egg donation. Human Reproduction, 26, 2777-82.

Golombok S, Readings J, Blake L, Casey P, Marks A. & Jadva V. (2011). Families created through surrogacy: Mother-child relationships and children's psychological adjustment at age 7. Developmental Psychology 47, 1579-1588.

Readings, J, Blake, L, Casey, P, Jadva, V. & Golombok, S. (2011). Secrecy, disclosure and everything in-between: Decisions of parents of children conceived by donor insemination, egg Donation and surrogacy. Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 22, 485-495.

Golombok, S, Readings, J, Blake, L, Casey, P, Mellish, L, Marks, A. & Jadva, V. (2011). Children Conceived by Gamete Donation: Psychological Adjustment and Mother-child Relationships at Age 7. Journal of Family Psychology 25, 230-239.

Jadva, V., Freeman, T., Kramer, W. and Golombok, S. (2010) Sperm and oocyte donors' experiences of anonymous donation and subsequent contact with their donor offspring. Human Reproduction 26, 638-645.

Blake, L., Casey, P., Readings, J., Jadva, V. and Golombok, S. (2010) ‘Daddy ran out of tadpoles’: how parents tell their children that they are donor conceived, and what their 7-year-olds understand. Human Reproduction 25, 2527-2534.

Jadva V, Hines M and Golombok S. (2010) Infants' Preferences for Toys, Colors, and Shapes: Sex Differences and Similarities. Archives of Sexual Behavior  39, 1261-1273.

Jadva, V., Freeman, T., Kramer, W. and Golombok, S. (2010) ‘Offsprings’ experiences of searching for and contacting their donor siblings and donor’, Reproductive BioMedicine Online. clear 20, 523-532.

Jadva, V., Badger, S., Morrisette, M. & Golombok, S. (2009) “Mom by choice, single by life’s circumstance….” Findings from a large scale survey of the experiences of women who are ‘single mothers by choice’. Human Fertility 12, 175-184.

Jadva, V., Freeman, T., Kramer, W. and Golombok, S. (2009) The experiences of adolescents and adults conceived by sperm donation: Comparisons by age of disclosure and family type. Human Reproduction 24, 1909 - 1919.

Freeman, T., Jadva, V., Kramer, W. and Golombok, S. (2009) Gamete donation: parents' experiences of searching for their child's donor siblings and donor. Human Reproduction 24, 505-516.

Golombok, S., Owen, L., Blake, L., Murray, C. and Jadva, V. (2009) Parent-Child Relationships and the Psychological Well-Being of 18-year-old Adolescents conceived by IVF. Human Fertility 12, 63-72.

Golombok, S., Murray, C., Jadva, V., Lycett, E., MacCallum, F. and Rust, J. (2006) Non-genetic and non-gestational parenting: consequences for parent-child relationships and the psychological well-being of mothers, fathers and children at age 3. Human Reproduction 21, 1918-1924.

Golombok, S., MacCallum, F., Murray, C., Lycett, E. and Jadva, V. (2006) Surrogacy families: parental functioning, parent-child relationships and childrens psychological development at age 2. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 47, 213-222.

Golombok, S., Jadva, V., Lycett, E., Murray, C. and MacCallum, F. (2005) Families created by gamete donation: follow up at age 2. Human Reproduction 20, 286-93.

Golombok, S., Lycett, E., MacCallum, F., Jadva, V., Murray, C., Rust, J., Abdalla, H., Jenkins, J. and Margara, R. (2004) Parenting infants conceived by gamete donation. Journal of Family Psychology 18, 443-52.

Golombok, S., Murray, C., Jadva, V., MacCallum, F. and Lycett, E. (2004) Families created through surrogacy arrangement: parent-child relationships in the 1st year of life. Developmental Psychology 40, 400-11.

Jadva, V., Murray, C., Lycett, E., MacCallum, F. and Golombok, S. (2003) Surrogacy: the experiences of surrogate mothers. Human Reproduction 18, 2196-204.

MacCallum, F., Lycett, E., Murray, C., Jadva, V. and Golombok, S. (2003) Surrogacy: the experience of commissioning couples. Human Reproduction 18, 1334-42

Book Chapters

Jadva, V. (2016) ‘Surrogacy: Issues, concerns, and complexities’, in Golombok, S., Scott, R., Appleby, J.B., Richards, M. and Wilkinson, S. Regulating Reproductive Donation. Cambridge University Press.

Freeman, T., Jadva, V., and Slutsky, J. (2016) Sperm donors limited: psychosocial aspects of genetic connections and the regulation of offspring numbers. in Golombok, S., Scott, R., Appleby, J.B., Richards, M. and Wilkinson, S. Regulating Reproductive Donation. Cambridge University Press

Jadva, V. (2014) Intra-family egg donation: Contact with the donor and telling the child about their origins. In Zegers H, F. and Salas, S. (Eds). El Derecho a Concebir como Derecho Humano. Bioética, Reproducción Humana y Familia, The Universidad Diego Portales

Jadva, V and Imrie, S. (2014). ‘The significance of relatedness for surrogates and their families’, in Freeman, T., Graham, S., Ebtehaj, F. and Richards, M. (forthcoming) Relatedness in Assisted Reproduction: families, origins and identities. Cambridge University Press.

Freeman, T., Bourne, K., Jadva, V. and Smith, V. (2014) 'Making connections: contact between sperm donor relations', in Freeman, T., Graham, S., Ebtehaj, F. and Richards, M. Relatedness in Assisted Reproduction: families, origins and identities. Cambridge University Press.

Braverman, A., Casey, P. and Jadva, V. (2012). ‘Reproduction through surrogacy: the UK and USA experience, in M. Richards, G. Pennings and J. B. Appleby (eds.), Reproductive Donation: Practice, Policy and Bioethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Freeman, T., Appleby, J.B. and Jadva, V. (2012) Identifiable donors and siblings: Implications for the future, in Richards, M., Pennings, G. and Appleby, J. (eds) Reproductive Donation: Practices, Policies and Bioethics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 

Jadva, V. (2012). Subrogada en el Reino Unido: experiencias de padres, niños y madres por encargo. In Esteinou, R. La nueva generación social de familias. Tecnologías de reproducción asistiday temas contemporáneos. Publicaciones de la casa chata.