Centre for Child, Adolescent & Family Research Seminar Series
Our talks 2024-25
Centre for Child Adolescent & Family Research seminars enable researchers to share findings with staff, PhD students and guests with similar research interests, and those from related areas.
All talks run from 4-5pm on alternate Tuesdays in term time, and are open to anybody to attend in person or online (see below for details).
Michaelmas term
22nd October, 2024: "The effects of Sure Start on a variety of health and education outcomes."
Dr Sarah Cattan, Institute for Fiscal Studies
05th November, 2024: "Do children’s education-linked genetic propensities influence the way they are parented and educated?"
Dr Chloe Austerberry, University of Cambridge
19th November, 2024: "Empathy during infancy: Assessment, development, parenting predictors, and developmental outcomes."
Professor Maayan Davidov, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
03rd December, 2024: "Mapping developmental paths to neurodevelopmental conditions."
Professor Emily Jones, Birkbeck College
Lent term
04th February, 2025: (tbc)
18th February, 2025: (tbc)
04th March, 2025: (title tbc)
Professor Michael Thomas, Birkbeck College
18th March, 2025: (title tbc)
Professor Nikolaus Steinbeis, UCL
Easter term
06th May, 2025: (title tbc)
Professor Denis Mareschal, Birkbeck College
20th May, 2025: (title tbc)
Dr Tatiana Salisbury, Kings College London
03rd June, 2025: (title tbc)
Dr Jack Andrews, Oxford
17th June, 2025: (title tbc)
Professor Liz Pellicano, UCL
How to attend in person
Our CFR Seminars are free to attend normally held in the Ground Floor Seminar Room, Old Cavendish Building (Rayleigh Wing), Free School Lane / New Museums Site (unless otherwise stated), and are open to all.
Location Map - please enter via the brown door nearest Bene't Street.
If you would like to receive a reminder ahead of the event, please sign up via Eventbrite.
How to attend online
Please sign up via Eventbrite.